Frequently Asked Questions
Why don’t you take insurance?
Insurance companies pay physical therapy companies by time and “procedure codes.” If you’ve ever been to traditional PT, you’ll know that you spend a lot of time doing exercises, kinda-sorta-but-not-really with supervision. You also typically go 2-3 days a week. The longer you’re there, the more the PT can charge, and the more frequently you come, the more they can charge. The business model is driven by volume of visits, i.e. see patients more frequently, and for as long as feasible. Not that this is always done for nefarious purposes, but the incentive is more time in the clinic, more often, with more patients.
Dr. Bass worked in that model for 13 years. Toward the end of that part of his career, he was seeing so many patients a day that he couldn’t remember who his patients were, why he was seeing them, and all the other details that made his job fulfilling and helped his patients get better. He also started being so stressed out that there wasn’t enough of “him” to go around to everyone, especially if a patient came in with a lot of pain. When seeing 5 people at one time, and one of them needs all of the attention, everyone else gets ignored, and he felt horrible about that. He had stress dreams frequently and started hating the profession.
In the private pay model, Dr. Bass can give all of his attention to each and every patient, and with the variety of treatment plan options that he offers, He’s not incentivized to see his patients more…He’s incentivized to help them reach their goals faster!
How much does it cost?
The first visit is $350. The cost of that is applied toward your chosen treatment plan, either a “case rate,” which means that you’ll receive treatment as long as needed to make sure your symptoms are gone, or there is a family plan that covers you, your spouse and your children for a year. These plans are designed to provide more value, so there’s no worry about per visit charges anymore. We are incentivized by our desire for you to feel better, not by how many times we see you.
How is Focus Physical Therapy different from traditional physical therapy?
Traditional PT follows a surgeon’s or PCP referral for 2-3x/week for 4-6 weeks, and throws as many exercises and stretches at you as they can. At Focus PT, we know that you don’t need to be seen multiple times a week to count your reps. We see you only as often as you need it.
We expect 40-50+% improvement in the first visit, and you should feel the same or more relief every time you do your self-treatments at home. Your treatments are very easy to do, in your downtime, usually while you’re watching TV, listening to a podcast, or relaxing. You will rarely be given exercises or stretching.
What kind of treatments does Focus PT provide?
What kind of treatments does Focus PT provide?
Any weakness not caused by surgery or trauma isn’t true “weakness” and doesn’t need to be strengthened. Tightness is caused by muscles that are too contracted, and stretching is terribly inefficient at solving that problem. Overly contracted muscles respond well and quickly to focused hands-on treatments that can be easily performed on your own at home, with the help of videos that we have made to help you.
Why would you want to come to Focus Physical therapy rather than traditional physical therapy?
What kind of treatments does Focus PT provide?
- You don’t want surgery
- You have a healthy skepticism of the traditional medical model
- You understand that health insurance is a frustrating racket
- You want to make educated, informed decisions about your own health care
- Quality time spent with your provider is important to you
- You don’t want to have to spend multiple days a week in your health care providers office
- You desire a higher standard of healthcare